Caves de la Ville

Avenue DuPeyrou 5 – 2000 Neuchâtel

How to get there

In the 1940s, the City of Neuchâtel took the decision to install its cellars in the outbuildings of Alexandre DuPeyrou’s grand mansion. As a result, the cellars and wine cellars were located in the north courtyard of the Hôtel DuPeyrou, which has since become a gastronomic mecca. It is in this historic mid-18th century setting that visitors are invited to taste the wine stored in “true Neuchâtel bottles”.


  • English


  • Place of sale
  • Place of tasting

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Neuchâtel – Vins et Terroir

Route de l’Aurore 4
2053 Cernier

+41 32 889 42 16