Château de Praz

Rue du Château 3 – 1788 Praz-Vully

How to get there

The Château de Praz winery was built around 400 years ago and has always been linked to vines and wine. For the past 10 years, Marylène and Louis Bovard-Chervet have been successfully and passionately managing the Château de Praz family estate. The two oenologists took over the business on April 1, 2011, succeeding Marylène's parents Christine and François Chervet.

Passionate, dynamic and open-minded, their philosophy is to be close to their product and to remain hands-off in order to preserve the character of each vintage and grape variety.

The Château de Praz range includes twelve wines, all from a single grape variety. The young couple's wines are a sign of their complementarity:

Marylène, the oenologist
Louis, the winemaker. 


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  • Place of sale
  • Place of tasting
  • Visit and tourist service

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2053 Cernier

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