01 August 2024

August 1st – Brunch at Mines d’asphalte

We invite you to celebrate the Swiss National Day with a country brunch. You’ll have the opportunity to sample the products and specialities of several Val-de-Travers farmers: cheeses, meats, braids, sweets, and many more. The entire Mines d’asphalte team looks forward to welcoming you to its sixth edition of its August 1st brunch! As the buffet changes throughout the day, we cannot guarantee that all products will be available at all times.

Price list:
Adult: CHF 45.00
Children under 12: CHF 23.00
Free for children under 6

Mines d'asphalte
Route de la Mine 1 / 2105 Travers

04 August 2024

Cellars open on Sunday

On Sundays throughout the summer, come and discover the cellars and wines of the canton of Neuchâtel.

On 4 August, the Domaine des Peleuses opens its doors to you from 10am to 3pm.

On this day, you will have the opportunity to taste 5 different wines, accompanied by flutes.

Price : CHF 30.- by reservation

lespeleuses@gmail.com ou au 032 835 15 79

09 – 11 August 2024

Marché-Concours national de chevaux

The Marché-Concours National de chevaux is a multi-day event held every year on the second weekend of August. Races and equestrian competitions take place every day, while the village’s main street is packed with food stalls and artisanal products.

Further information: info@juratourisme.ch

Chemin du Chasseral 1, 2350 Saignelégier

11 August 2024

Cellars open on Sunday

On Sundays throughout the summer, come and discover the cellars and wines of the canton of Neuchâtel.

On 11 August, the Domaine de l’Hôpital de Pourtalès opens its doors to visitors from 10am to 3pm.

On this day, you will have the opportunity to taste 5 different wines, accompanied by flutes.

Price : CHF 30.- by reservation

Route de Troub 17, 2088 Cressier
info@domainepourtales.ch ou au 032 757 26 49

11 August 2024

Cellars open on Sunday

On Sundays throughout the summer, come and discover the cellars and wines of the canton of Neuchâtel.

On 11 August, the Caves du Prieuré open their doors to you from 10am to 3pm

On this day, you will have the opportunity to taste 5 different wines, accompanied by flutes.

Price : CHF 30.- by reservation

Grand-Rue 25, 2036 Cormondrèche
info@prieure.ch ou au 032 731 53 63

16 August 2024

Vignes&Culture 2024 | Carlos Henriquez & Fausto Borghini

On 16 August 2024, come and enjoy an exclusive dinner and show at the Frères Alcala home in Vaumarcus with Carlos Henriquez & Fausto Borghini.

The actors ask the audience for words, places and so on, and immediately invent stories based on this information.

The acting duo are given complete freedom to perform brief scenes.

From 6.30pm to around 9.30pm.
Package CHF 89.00 per person including :

Welcome glass
Pata Negra ham
Platter of cold meats and specialities from the Frères Alcala
Cheese platter

Wine and drinks for sale on site.

Les Frères Alcala, Vaumarcus
Le Petit Clos 1, 2028 Vaumarcus

17 August 2024

Sainte-Croix Summer Market

The Sainte-Croix summer market takes place on 17 August.

The following will be present for the canton of Neuchâtel :

  • La Fromagerie des Sagnettes
  • Les Caves de La Béroche


18 August 2024

Cellars open on Sunday

On Sundays throughout the summer, come and discover the cellars and wines of the canton of Neuchâtel.

On 18 August, the Cave de la Vieille Tannerie opens its doors to visitors from 10am to 3pm.

On this day, you will have the opportunity to taste 5 different wines, accompanied by flutes.

Price : CHF 30.- by reservation

More information on 078 696 12 92

Rue Louis-Favre 1, 2017 Boudry

22 August 2024

Bouvet-Jabloir “Secret Garden” afterwork

Let’s celebrate the end of the holidays together at our “Secret Garden” Afterwork!

Snacks and 3 DJ’s await you for your evening.

Espace Dégustation Bouvet-Jabloir
Fontenettes 2 Auvernier

22 August 2024

Vignes&Culture 2024 | Thierry Meury

On 22 August 2024, come and enjoy an exclusive dinner and show at the Château de Boudry with Thierry Meury.

A good slice of humour to sink your teeth into without moderation!

From 6.30pm to around 9.30pm.

Package CHF 75.00 per person including :
Welcome glass
Fondue Mauler
“Non Filtré” pie
Teas and coffees

Wine sales on site

Château de Boudry
2017 Boudry

23 – 25 August 2024

Fête la Terre

Festival of the Earth is a unique event in the Val-de-Ruz commune. But above all, it’s a not-to-be-missed event in town and country, where contact with regional producers is a priority.

This year, the focus is on agriculture.

A number of activities will be organised to mark the occasion.

On the programme :

Friday night disco with DJ Kash

On Saturday evening, a concert dinner with the folk music group Kitsch

On Sundays, a Tavolata Brunch prepared by the local farmers.


24 August 2024 – 26 October 2024

Boudry market

This year the Boudry market will take place on Saturdays :

24th August
21st September
26th October

From 9 am to 1 pm on the Esplanade of the auditorium.

l'Esplanade de la salle de spectacle

25 August 2024

Cellars open on Sunday

On Sundays throughout the summer, come and discover the cellars and wines of the canton of Neuchâtel.

On 25 August, the Caves du Prieuré open their doors to you from 10am to 3pm

On this day, you will have the opportunity to taste 5 different wines, accompanied by flutes.

Price : CHF 30.- by reservation

info@prieure.ch ou au 032 731 53 63

12 – 22 September 2024

The week of taste

From 12 to 22 September 2024 will be the next edition of the Taste Week.

16 September 2024

Gourmet tour in Val-de-Travers

For the Week of Taste (La Semaine du Goût), a dozen restaurant owners and artisans will delight you with their dishes specially prepared for the occasion. To quench your thirst, a glass of absinthe or wine and a mineral will be offered at each stop. All the artisans and restaurant owners come from the Vallon, so the emphasis will be on local and regional products. To keep things a little surprising, no details will be revealed before the event!
Start in Môtiers and finish at Mines d’asphalte. The route covers approximately 9km with a slight downhill slope An alternate, shorter route is accessible by stroller! Families are welcome!

Adult: CHF 69.00
Children aged 6 to 15: CHF 27.00

Les Six-Communes
Rue Centrale 1 / 2112 Môtiers

27 – 29 September 2024

Neuchâtel Grape Harvest Festival

More information coming soon

Ville de Neuchâtel

28 – 29 September 2024

Festival of the Damassine AOP – 2nd edition

Come and discover the know-how of Damassine AOP (Protected designation of origin) producers and the diversity of products derived from red damasson and the precious eau-de-vie.
Excellent eaux-de-vie, regional products, musical entertainment and children’s activities with storytelling in the magnificent orchards await you.
The event will take place on September 28th and 29th at the Ô Vergers d’Ajoie site in Porrentruy. Gala evening on the theme of “Damassine AOP” on Saturday evening.
Don’t hesitate to visit this magnificent event!

Ô Vergers d’Ajoie
Combe Bruequelin 27, 2900 Porrentruy

10 October 2024 – 20 July 2024


A meeting point between town and country.

For the 81st time, Switzerland’s biggest and most popular public exhibition invites you to a colourful folk festival from 10 to 20 October 2024. We’re already looking forward to eleven exciting and varied days at the show.

You’ll find the following :

  • 10, 11, 12 and 13 October Les Caves de la Béroche in Saint-Aubin-Sauge
  • 14, 15 and 16 October Le Château d’Auvernier in Auvernier
  • 17 and 18 October Le Domaine St-Sébaste in St-Blaise
  • 19 and 20 October Domaine Chervet in Praz-Vully


18 October 2024 – 27 July 2024

Foire du Jura

The 58th edition of the Foire du Jura will be held from 18 to 27 October 2024.

For the occasion, you’ll find :

Nicolet Vins on 18 and 19 October.
Les Caves du Prieuré on 20, 21, 22 and 23 October.
Domaine Christalain on 24 and 25 October.
Les Caves de la Béroche on 26 and 27 October.

Halle des expositions
Rue Emile-Boéchat 60 2800 Delémont

26 – 27 October 2024

Local produce market

Come and discover or rediscover the products of our region at Mycorama in Cernier!
More information to come

Mycorama - Evologia
Pass. des Cèpes 3, 2053 Cernier

30 October 2024 – 03 November 2024

Swiss Taste & Terroir Fair

It’s the meeting place for gourmets. A wide range of local artisans and producers will be on site to showcase their products.
More information soon

Espace Gruyère
Rue de Vevey 136, 1630 Bulle

09 – 10 May 2025

Caves ouvertes neuchâteloises 2025

The next open cellars in Neuchâtel will take place on 9 and 10 May 2025.

Canton de Neuchâtel

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Neuchâtel – Vins et Terroir

Route de l’Aurore 4
2053 Cernier

+41 32 889 42 16
