The Neuchâtel Vins et Terroir label
Labelled products

The “Neuchâtel Vins et Terroir” label follows the precepts of the national regio.garantie guidelines, which are the property of the Swiss Association of Regional Products (ASPR). They ensure the same standards for all regional brands in Switzerland, and apply to the marketing of products of agricultural origin.
the promise of a certified product
- Regional raw materials
- Developed in the region
- Traceability certified by an independent body
- Supporting our agriculture and local economy
The benefits of certification
Strong credibility
- The national regio.garantie guidelines were judged by the Alliance of Consumer Organizations to be the most objective, reliable and transparent in the country.
- Products are inspected by an independent body to guarantee compliance with specifications.
- Internal to the association: Events organized by the association and reserved exclusively for certified producers.
- Externally: networking with “Partenaires du Terroir” (restaurants, retail outlets).

Supporting the local economy
- Raw material grown or raised by local farmers.
- Local processing.
- Maintaining know-how and jobs in the canton.
Simplification for the consumer
- Standardized requirements for all products in the canton.
- Increasing awareness of the label, supported by communication measures.
Communauté Neuchâtel Vins et Terroir
- Administrative support during the certification process.
- Networking, communication support, promotional measures.
What types of products does the label apply to?
- Vegetables (potatoes, onions, tomatoes, squash, beans, cabbage, etc.)
- Fruit (apple, pear, strawberry, raspberry, etc.)
- Bakery products (Taillaule, bread, meringue, flour, etc.)
- Meat products (beef, pork, poultry, charcuterie, etc.)
- Dairy products (milk, cheese, yoghurt, butter, etc.)
- Beverages (apple juice, grape juice, syrup, brandy, etc.)
- Aromatic herbs (basil, mint, wild thyme, etc.)
- Other products (honey, eggs, lentils, etc.)
Partenaire du Terroir
The promotional body “Neuchâtel Vins et Terroir” (NVT) encourages sales outlets in the Canton of Neuchâtel to include local products bearing the “Neuchâtel Vins et Terroir” label in their product range. The aim is to support local players and promote the consumption of local products to customers from near and far. This will enable participating stores to stand out from other establishments that don’t fit into this concept.
Neuchâtel wines need to be promoted. a minimum of one Chasselas, one Œil de Perdrix and one Pinot Noir from Neuchâtel is required
Local produce
Minimum 5 NVT-labeled products
1 menu with 3 labelled products
4 dishes featuring label products
4 label cheeses
4 Neuchâtel products for breakfast
Minimum 1 local non-alcoholic beverage
Mineral water
If water is sold, it must be Swiss.
Traditional Products
Traditional products are a product category highlighting the emblematic products of our canton that are part of our heritage, but which unfortunately, for some, cannot meet the criteria for the label.


Neuchâtel sausage

